20 Relatable Quarantine Instagram Captions & Quotes Every Traveller Will Adore


While virtual happy hours seemed to have become the new normal, we’re all searching for ways to stay connected while isolating.

These quarantine captions + soulful wanderlust quotes will make you think, smile, and remember that the future is looking so bright.


Add one of these captions to your next post. Bonus, if you post it along with one of your fav travel memories!

“Gratitude turns what I have into enough.”

“Create your own sunshine in paradise.”

“New adventures are around the corner but, we need to give Mother Earth a break.”

“I will never take a sandy beach and ocean breeze for granted ever again.”

20 Relatable travel quarantine quotes

“Coconuts on the beach are so underrated - what I wouldn’t give. “

“Now we see that without the world, we are nothing.”

“Quarantining has shown me that exploration is essential to my health.”

“Traveling is one of life’s greatest gifts, let’s hope now, we never forget it.“

“Self isolation has shown me that Earth deserves a lot more respect.”

20 Relatable travel quarantine quotes

“Quarantine now so we can travel together again, soon.” 

“First time we can save the human race by staying home and planning out our future adventures.”

“The only nation I’m visiting this Spring is imagination.”

“Wake me up when we can travel again.”

“Destination: isolation.”

“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”

- Oprah Winfrey

“One day this will be over and we will be grateful for life in ways we never felt possible before.” - Matt Haig

“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.”

20 Relatable travel quarantine quotes
20 Relatable travel quarantine quotes