Worthy Woman Mentorship

Worthy Woman Mentorship


A journey home to your most worthy, whole and complete version of you. A journey that always begins within…

This is an intimate custom to where you’re currently at transformation.

A 8-week mentorship space with Paige specially designed to heal and reprogram your relationship with self-worth, food, your body, relationships & men.

It all starts with a set of beliefs we often aren’t even aware of until we decode and claim a new timeline.

This is NOT a diet or exercise program. This mentorship focuses on healing the root cause, energy realignment & altering your daily rituals to reprogram your beliefs into the future-you.

Become a match to a future where you get to HAVE & BE it all.

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The Journey:

In 8-weeks you will not recognize the woman you are today.

Together we will be reprogramming your beliefs & sense of self.

For the woman ready to transform her relationship with self forever.

For the woman that understands her suffering in silence is sabotaging her life.

For the woman who desires to feel deeply in love with her mind & body.

For the woman that is calling in a new future, one where she is no longer controlled by shame, unworthiness, guilt & hunger.


  • Weekly 30 minute calls (4 hours of coaching) $2222 usd value

  • 1:1 weekly chat portal to deepen our transformation together (unlimited weekly support in real time) $5555 usd value

The Investment

$2222 USD paid in full or $777 USD for 3 monthly payments