Iconic Personal Brand | Roadmap to Legacy + BIG Money

Iconic Personal Brand | Roadmap to Legacy + BIG Money


4 years ago I was exactly where you areā€¦

struggling to take aligned action, aimlessly creating with no clear vision on who I served to and most importantly how to get someone to buy what i was offeringā€¦

So much has changed since then, and thatā€™s why this offer is here & why you are too.

This 1 hour call is ONLY for the visionaries that knows their Personal Brand Mission, Purpose & Intention.

This call is for the one thatā€™s ready to make moves, play BIG and believes at their core they got what it takes.

In this Branding Package we dive deep intoā€¦

  • (15 mins) Creative strategy: dependent on what is exciting & aligned to your creative abilities.

  • (10 mins) Logistics: Consistent execution for your content, the easiest route to building content & creating consistent brand awareness. (your choice of platform)

  • (20 mins) 5 Creative Content formulas: Tangible topics for your Brand Building that you can rinse & repeat to speak straight to your soul-client (this is the sauce to building authority & credibility in your online presence)

  • (15 mins) Current Brand Audit: Upgrades! Professional Optimization of your current profile (bio, links, concise communication)

  • (10 mins) Irresistible Offers : Designing OR Professional feedback on 2 product/service offers that align with your Personal Brandā€™s Authority & Presence.

Yes I'm in!

This is not for you ifā€¦

  • You are unsure what you want to create and consistently change your mind on your direction.

  • You lack the motivation to do the work & take action.

  • You lack the personal power to know your worth and talent.

  • You want to ā€œgo with the flowā€ in your Personal Brand.

How It Worksā€¦

Once your payment is processed an intake form & calendar booking for 1:1 Call (Booking into 07/15/24) will be sent to your email, the questions answered will provide insight to Paige on your intention, current difficulties and overall BIG Brand & Money Goals.