How to design your dream life with a boss babe vision board

How to design your dream life with a vision board

This is my second time creating a vision board for my yearly goals. TBH… I experienced success in 2018 that I would like to attribute to my board! After reflecting on it at the end of the year, I was surprised to see, I had achieved almost every goal on there, besides ONE.. which I carried over to my 2019 board.

There’s something powerful about waking up, and looking at what is most important to you, a little reminder if you will, to focus on what MATTERS…

So easily, we get distracted, things come up and, we can forget.

Write that shit down, girl! What you WANT let’s get it! It seems so SIMPLE.. but, legit. EFFECTIVE.

Here’s how to create & design a BOMB-ASS BOSS BABE vision board for 2019.. The best is, serioouslllly - yet to come!

  1. Source quotes you would like to live by every day

Hello Pinterest! My go-to resource when it comes to finding the best inspirational moody messages & quotes! Find a solid 3-5 quotes, that inspire you to be the best version of yourself. & jot them down.n

Here’s my personal top 3 to point you in an empowering direction!

“Never give up on your goals & dreams because of the time it will take to achieve them, the time will pass anyway.”

“Live in emotions that are resourceful.”

“The distance between your dream & reality, is taking massive action.”

2. Limit yourself to your top 5 goals

Pick 5 goals that you want to accomplish this year that are REALISTIC, limiting yourself to 5, minimizes the clutter, focusing on the BIG changes you want to make, instead of losing focus & getting lost in the areas of your life that actually aren’t serving your biggest dreams (you know the one that might be the hardest, BUT so worth it.) These are the goals that are going to move the needle in your finances, career, personal life & health THE MOST.

5 key areas to focus on for a well-balanced lifestyle

  1. Health: mentally, physically & spiritually

  2. Passion Project &/or Dream Career: What does your dream career look like? If you’re already there how can you take it to the next level?

  3. Personal Relationships: Love, Family & Community

  4. Financial goals: This could be a number in your bank around, investments, or new clients.

  5. Environment: Where do you ultimately want to spend most of your time?

3. Now pick under each category 5 strategies + Key notes to get you to your top 5 goals

Now, you’ve sorted your goals in 5 key areas of your life… thats great! but the words mean nothing if you don’t have 5 insanely amazing plans to how you’re going to achieve these goals written down too.

These strategies should be REALLY specific like, what book, podcast, course, resource &/or mentors are you going to use/find/source to help get you there!

What time of the week, day, EVEN hours of each day… are you doing to focus on that goal?

All of that makes it even more REAL when you schedule it into your life.

Because of this, I have my vision board & a monthly calendar on my fridge with all my strategies scheduled in.

It gives your mind an actual plan & solution to how you can make these visions, happen.

4. Make it look cute AF

Obviously, you don’t want some crap, piece of cardboard, with scribbles on it, hanging somewhere in your pad!

Take a quick trip to the DOLLAR STORE or if you’re feeling like a babe-on-a-budget style… Micheal’s, Home Sense & Staples have fantastic crafty resources…

Supply list:

  • Tack/canvas board. I bought mine from Home Sense for $8

  • Markers. I went with gold, white & silver colour from the Dollarama $4

  • Tape or pins

  • Inspirational quotes sticker booklet. I bought mine from Micheal’s $15

  • Optional: String of lights to hang around it!

5. Make it visible & reflect on it daily

To make these vision come true, you need to be reminded E-V-E-R-Y-D-A-Y

Mines in my kitchen, on top of my fridge, another great place could be, in your office, bedroom or walk in closet.

You want to make sure you take a glance at it each day & feel inspired to conquer the day, no matter what mood you start the day with, most importantly, FOCUS on what really matters to you!

I hope you enjoyed this post, tag me in your vision board on Instagram! I’d love to stalk what yours looks like too!

How to create a vision board for your goals & dream life

Ps. If one of your 2019 goals for the New Year is to have more financial freedom & travel MORE! I think my up-coming Grow Your Travel Fund course is for ya! Sign up to learn more