Posts in Budget Travel
5 Things You Need to Know to Plan an Epic Vacation in Less Than a few Hours

Why even book a trip if you’re not committed to making it epic??

Here are my five tips on making every trip a bucket list-worthy adventure.

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Must-Have Quality Products Influencers Won't Shut Up About

When you decide it’s time to jump on a plane and jet off somewhere far away, the next step is making a packing list. What should I bring? Where should I get it? Is it really worth the money?

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How You can Document Your Travels and Get Paid to do it

As the Internet becomes more accessible around the world, it’s now easier to use your phone while travelling. Whether you pay for data and use apps the whole time or you stick to the WiFi and load Google maps before your excursions, there are so many travel apps out there that it’s hard to know which one is best. My Tours Global is the hottest new travel app and here’s why.

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30 things to Do Before You're 30 Travel Bucket List

If the time to do adventurous things is running out. The truth is that age is just a number, and you will actually love this journey into the third decade of your life, However, if you make the most of what you have now. This is the list you need to inspire you and get you on track to living your life to the fullest. Eat the scorpion, watch the sunrise .. and yes, go skinny dipping!

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Top Music Festivals Around the World for Solo Female Travelers

The best summer music festivals in the world aren’t necessarily the largest, but we’d all agree there’s something insanely powerful behind a music festival that can pull millions together in blissful harmony. Here we’ve listed the top 6 festivals in the world for female travellers – pull out the glitter and get your flower tiara ready!

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The Top Travel Trends for Female Millennials

Reports show that more females than ever before are adventuring the world, in search of culture-rich experiences with epic photos for social media posting, to prove it. Travels that promise memories to last a lifetime.

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How you can plan your vacation savvy & save money

Tips to know in 2019 for booking & planning your trip effectively so you don’t miss a thing, save money & feel confident about every decision you make towards your vacation!

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How to save money when you're traveling solo & you can't split the cheque

The Go-To guide you need to read for saving money traveling solo. Read this before you leave on your next big trip all by-yo-self! Congrats, because, you’re about to have an incredible journey that most don’t even have the courage to experience ONCE in their lifetime! Here’s everything you need to know to save money traveling the world solo-dolo!

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Why you aren’t using Airbnb - Free Guide to Navigating Airbnb like a Pro

Have you used Airbnb before? I bet there’s a few tips in here you don’t know!
If you’re new to Airbnb, this is the ultimate resource to follow for booking your first home away from home experience. Learn how!

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