Purpose by Paige

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Why traveling the world with a massive backpack is such a gimmick

I’ve done trips around the world both ways with the giant over-sized backpack & without… On my first few trips around the world I packed up my 75L Backpack and this is what I have realized….. After several stressful situations of lugging around my massive backpack with major back pain….I can honestly tell you the travels without my big-ass backpack have been without doubt the most comfortable ones!

Here’s what I learned & what you may want to consider before lugging up one …

It’s way easier to roll your belongings around

unless you are trekking through the Jungle? Are you? then screw the backpack! Get a suitcase on wheels…

Where are you going?

Somewhere tropical perhaps? Where it’s hot & sweaty… do you really want to put your heavy-ass backpack on in that heat….? I didn’t think so…

Accessibility is NOT the greatest…

Most backpacks are hard to access especially with that much stuff in it. You’ll need to pull everything out, just to get one thing or anything at the bottom.

The backpacker stigma

Depending on where you’re going Australia *cough-cough*

There can be a negative stigma about backpackers & simply making the decision to use a suitcase instead takes you out of that “backpacker” profile. Sometimes…. backpackers are considered “dirty, cheap or less desirable to host”…. it’s no fun when you’re trying to communicate with someone & they’re judging you either.

Packing is easier with a suitcase

I personally think packing a suitcase is better, more manageable, track your outfits & keep things tidy & organized with ease.

Situations where a backpack is the right choice for you?

  • trekking through the jungle

  • traveling across sand or uneven roads… and I’m not talking about Europe.

  • if you’re planning on scootering across the country you’re heading to…

  • If you’re camping or traveling in the outback

There you go! I hope this help… these are all little tidbits of advice I wish someone told me before, I went on my first trip over-seas to Australia.

Have a question regarding your packing situation, leave me a comment below!

Happy to help.

Best xx

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