Purpose by Paige

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How to deal with stress when you're traveling so it doesn't ruin your vacation

Let’s just say… I’ve had my fair share of WTF how-can-this-be-my-life-right-now moments while I’ve travelled.

If you want to read more about those catastrophic moments click here.

 Here’s what I know, shit is not going to go as planned every step of the way, and that’s part of the reason why you should be traveling. To learn & grow, feel uncomfortable - it’s good for you!

However I do agree, feeling stressed out sucks, and a large portion of the time you’re going to feel this way, you don’t have to.

Here’s my best tips to avoiding the unnecessary DRAMS’ of shitty travel predicaments

Don’t take life so seriously

 Like when you f”ck up, have a quick laugh first, and then figure out how to fix it.. remember.. I’ve been using this pharse for the past 5 years & it always holds true….

Travel with carry-on only

Losing your luggage is extremely stressful here are my tips to prevent the stress…

  • Travel with carry on

  • Take a picture of your suitcase

  • Avoid connecting flights with under an hour connection times if you’re checking your bag.  

Talk to a friend, your travel partner, someone in the hostel

Holding in how you feel, is not the way to go about it... even if your friend is a more experienced traveller than you, don’t feel ashamed you feel the way you do EVERYONE has felt that way before. Just be honest if you’re feeling uncomfortable, talking your way through it, can help A LOT.


Give yourself more time

This is a big one! Sometimes It’s not about what you’re doing but, how fast you’re moving. Are you wake up early enough time so you don’t feel rushed? Are you giving yourself a period to relax in between exploring? You need to have chill days too.


Plan your vacation guide line.. 

I’ve done both sides to this scenario I’ve completely ‘winged it’ on my vacay plans and went with the flow as I went & I’ve planned. I will admit having a guide to what you wanna see, where you’re going to stay & how you’re going to get around will save you a TON of stress & anxiety once you’re away.


Do your research wisely


  • You’ll feel way more confident about what you’re doing when you do

  • You will have a history & background idea of what you’re getting into.

  • You won’t be SHOCKED when something isn’t as it was describe to you.


Arrive at the airport early

Like, you don’t need to be Grandma Sally & arrive 45 minutes before the check-in counter even opens. However, feeling flustered, anxious & overwhelmed is no way to go about it either. When you’re on a time crunch going through the airport… NO BEUNO.

I turn into my biggest version of Kim-Kanye.


Know where you’re going at all times 

Step #1 Drop a google pin at the place you’re staying at (home). So, no matter what internet connection fails.. you can show a driver.. where they need to go.  

You never want to leave yourself in a situation when you feel vulnerable not knowing where the hell you’re going. & if this happens… it’s OKAY, Stop in a café, have a refreshment, relax for 20min & figure out your game plan. Hit the road again!

Always plan for more time

Whatever time you think it’s going to take you to get somewhere, plan for it to take an extra hour…because, IT ALWAYS DOES.

No sense in getting worked up when there’s traffic & you miss sunset, on the beach. Or you arrive at the island 3 hours later, because, the flight was delayed… All of this stuff is bound to happen, and it will.

Whenever you can prevent it, plan for it. Leave earlier.


Always have cash on you  

The amount of times, I just wanted a WATER & had to search for an ATM machine first, because, the only snack stand, didn’t take credit card…


Pack Light

Having too much shit, WILL stress you out. It’s just not a fun situation to be dealing with, you’ll regret it. You don’t need all that stuff. Stop. You’re never gonna wear that outfit or those high heels, pull it out of your suitcase.

Dress appropriately

What are the customs where you’re going? Is it acceptable to have your mid-drift showing? If not, than yes, locals probably won’t perceive you in a friendly manner if you’re dressed that way. You might even be labelled as disrespectful. Quick google search, will tell you what’s up.

Tip: You need comfortable walking shoes, if your feet hurt. Or else the day is not going to be a great one, I can promise you this..

Physical Activity

Yoga class, run along the beach, or find a nearby gym?

There are so many options, don’t look for excuses. If you’re stressed out. Sometimes all you need is a little activity to get your mind at ease.

Even a simple walk down the street…

Try to avoid alcohol

Yes the first glass feels like it takes off the edge but, it’s that next day hangover, aching headache, that most likely will bring your anxiety back 10 fold.

What’s been a stressful situation for you during your travels? Share with me below, I would like to connect with you!

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