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Why you aren’t using Airbnb - Free Guide to Navigating Airbnb like a Pro

Okay, so today I wanna talk a bit about Airbnb (obvi!)

Most of you might be familiar with it, but for some of you that aren't, Airbnb is an online booking website that allows you to stay in the comfort of a home while on vacay!

I personally opt for Airbnb when I’m traveling with someone else. Because if you know me, y’know… I'm on that budget, and I'm the girl that likes to cook my own food, and have a nice living space that feels like home when I'm away.

It just makes a lot more sense for me to get MORE for a cheaper price…

So these are my little tips to booking your perfect Airbnb experience.

If you're new to the platform, this is how it works.


Tip #1

Select your dates FIRST before anything else

Don't go searching a location without the dates in place first, because you're just gonna get all these results coming up, and you're gonna be gutted when you realize that they're not available during the dates that you want them, so make sure you put the date in first. No sense in seeing what's available in London, if half those place aren't available when you wanna go.

Tip #2

Book with a Super Host

A super host is someone who has been verified, and seen as a reliable resource, and host on Airbnb. They've provided very memorable experiences for their guests. They always have great reviews, so when you book with a super host, you're guaranteeing that this person has a good reputation within Airbnb.

If you're someone that feels like it might be unsafe, then the best option for you is choosing a super host.

I personally don't always need to choose a super host, but that is one option if you wanna guarantee a great stay.

Tip #3

Look into the location listed on the map

Sometimes homes that show up in the searcher the area you’re looking for, aren't exactly where the description says.

For example it might say Times Square, New York City, but it's actually not in Times Square. It's just using that as a relative point. It's more so like 10 blocks away. So, just research the location wisely, and how you can do this is by looking on the map section, and then really zooming in to see exactly where the house is, and how far it’s from where you want to me.



Tip #4

Always message the hosts prior to booking

Don't just click book.

By sending the message first, tell them a bit about yourself, and what your expectations are. Also, if your check in time works for them. This is so important, and it can rest assure that there's gonna be no problems when it comes to your arrival time, or during the duration of your stay. AND it's verified on Airbnb. If anything happens, Airbnb can go in, and see the conversation. They always say to strictly keep the communication just on the platform, and I would highly recommend that as well.

Tip #5

Read the amenities carefully

There is nothing worse than checking in, and being devastated because it's 35 degrees outside, and you don't have air conditioning.

Make sure you read the amenities full through. Things that I always look out for is WiFI (Lord knows I need that), AC, a towel, a kitchen, and laundry. If you need to use the wash (say you've been traveling for a few weeks) then probably looking for an Airbnb at your next location with a washer is gonna come in handy. Heating if you prefer the hot water. All important stuff to note!

Tip #6

Read recent guest reviews

If you see the most recent guest review is from a year ago, I'd be a little hesitant, like why hasn't anyone booked that place in a year? I'd be wondering about that, it's a good sign when you have guest reviews that were written within the past few months I would say, and this means the experience written is up to date and current!

Tip #7

Stay in contact with your host

So there's no miscommunication when you show up. You'll have directions, or a person there to greet you. You won't be like, at the airport, wondering, "What the hell? The taxi doesn’t know where this place is!” Or, “I can't find it on Google Maps." “I don't know where the key is."

This goes for checking out as well. If you have an early flight, or you need to leave in the middle of the night, tell your host so they can make sure your check out goes smoothly.

Tip #8

Build your user profile & be a clean, curious guest

If you want to be accepted to stay in the best homes, build your profile on Airbnb. You can easily do this by being a good guest obviously, and by leaving them a review so that they can, do the same for you as well! Hosts want to be sure you're a good guest, and they can do this by seeing your recent reviews, they'll be more likely to allow you in their home.

Hope these little tips provide you with some value on, how your Airbnb experience should go, and what you should look for! yeah. You’re going to love Airbnb so much. It really is the best!

If you’re traveling solo maybe this option is out of your budget? NO STRESS.. I got you covered!

Learn everything you need to know about staying in a hostel here

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