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The Ultimate guide to always traveling stress-free

Whoever says traveling isn’t stressful. Is full of shit.

Like… Unless you’re just sitting by a pool at a resort all day…

Then there’s going to be some planning involved. Which usually leads to feeling overwhelmed at one point or another.

Here are my best tricks for minimizing those unnecessary stressful situations..

Unpack your suitcase right away!

When you get to your destination set up a space in your accommodations that starts to feel like your own. Living out of a suitcase can feel overwhelming so make sure to lay out your possessions and get everything organized.

Save all your travel documents onto your mobile device

This includes any important information like addresses and routes to your destinations. It's wise to save these to your phone just in case internet access isn’t available when you need to use them. It is also a good idea to figure out your transfers from the airport in advance to avoid any setbacks when you arrive.

Have $50 in cash on you at all times

This way when you need to make your first purchase, whether it be a taxi ride or a snack, you aren’t stressed out trying to find an ATM. Sometimes ATM's aren’t readily available or, only operate during certain hours of the day.

Wake up early

Get the most out of the day! Avoid lying in bed all morning and give yourself more time to explore. Even if you just plan to lay in the sun all day, waking up early will give you more time to have a productive day. This extra time in the morning will help you get to the beach before it gets busy!

Buy snacks that you can take on - the - go

For those situations when there might not be a store around you it will be helpful to have some snacks packed. There will be times late at night when nothing is available and trust me, your stash will save your life because being "Hangry" is the absolute worst!

Buy travel insurance

Take it from someone who knows first-hand about breaking a bone abroad, shredding the extra $$$ for peace of mind is totally worth the investment.

You never know what can happen!

Make time to arrive at the airport early

One of the most stressful things when I travel is when I feel like I don’t have enough time to catch my flight. Being rushed can be  very overwhelming and every time it happens I wish I would have allocated more time for the airport. Having some extra time at the airport is  especially important when I need to take a train or bus to get there. There will always be uncontrollable factors like traffic and transit delays, so it’s a good habit to account for those delays in advance.

Buy a data plan for your mobile

if you’re staying somewhere for long. Although access to Wi-Fi is available in most places there will be times when it is unavailable. If you’re traveling alone having access to the internet whenever you need it can be a lifesaver.  

Pre-book activities  

Especially if you know for sure where you’re going to be, and what you wanna do! It’s best to book it all in advance. Also, certain things like flights and accommodations can book up quickly during peak seasons.

If you know your dates, definitely book ASAP to avoid any disappointment.

Plan tomorrow - today

When you are travelling try and have everything you need ready to go. This might include charging any necessary electronics like your phone or camera, having snacks prepped, and having all your clothes ready and packed.

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